blogs revisited

first of all, this is the umpteempth (im exaggerating, its onli been like 10+) blogging attempt i'm making.
Kudos to the mild fever and the yearly recollections culminating into an ever melancholic yet happy mood im in as i type out this gibberish for the world to read.
Sometimes, only my dog understands me. Or i hope she does, at least when i speak she listens, and when i dont;
she still listens.
Its been a tumultous/fruitful year. Hence the frustration.
its a question of who you are and why you exist that makes u wonder if life should go on.
the nihilistic desire within to end things and the lil glimmer of hope that pushes people forward;
A stranger to myself.
A stranger to many.
Feeling lonely in a crowded place.
Yet friends are everywhere.
I love the father, the mother and the beautiful sisters of mine. Thank you God, though ive stopped attending church a million yrs ago, i still have this family of mine to call home.
(pss it doesn't mean im coming back)
pfft... enough for todae.


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