yoyo bloggie.
its a veri bad day to mug.
more of well. unproductive.
cuz. i juz cant start argggg.

got my blanks.
got my ink.
caught yw.d2.cher. for lunch.
headed back home.
tried. juz couldnt make it.

char's in sgh.
gonna pay her a visit in good time.
the car's in the hospital too.
will be discharged tomolo.
my grades are going into the hospital soon also.
they seriously need help.
kkk. im juz freaked.

gave up trying to pound things into moi head.
so went out for supper and some tea.
my himalayan tea became bukit timah tea.
for some reason or another ;p

on another side note. yw.

i cant' answer questions i dont know the answers to.
and the only place that has the answers wont let me have them.

so im not going to be able to.


cuz i can't read. im illiterate. and a lil colour blind.
so. flash it on a neon-light billboard.
prance around. piroquette. and tap dance a lil.
i might juz get an inkling to what its all about.
and i wont think its some rally.

GE's over ;p
(oh u get what i mean aniwae)

我不知道~~ 我真的不知道 :

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1/2 boiled eggs.

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another 4 eyed pic.

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got balls?

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soup's bleeding.

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go get some udders~~

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fashion accessory does a capo make.

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steamboat with the challenger duo, d2cher, and me.

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fantastic teh-tarik at arab street.
the missing foam is already in tummy ;p

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要死 要死~~ or 饿死 饿死
take your pick

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the real tired and hungry...

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since the right's broken. lets do the other.

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another funny license plate.
either that. or he's got a leaky tank. no not the fuel tank.... ;p

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agent smith. the spy that went to the other table.
and never came back.

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dont even ask ;p

hur hur hur....


"eh check out that cheesy looking pub~"
"wa..... lotsa cheese lovers must be in there"

signing off


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