ello blog :)
as of today. i have:
left my last paper behind.
left SIM behind hopefully.
and am moving on to another phase of life.

i is happy.
i is a lil melancholic.
i is grateful.
i is making up for lost time.
i is in ahem.. nvm.
i is slowly making life work in more ways than one.
i is on the road again.

life's pretty much slowing down.
after all the adrenalin filled exam months.
suddenly i find myself with shitloads of freedom.
and im a lil lost bleah...

so ive tried to fill my time up with ball.
with bowling. with gym.
with reading (dark elves rox~)
with composing. and picking up that book again.

its just like trying to fill a void that suddenly hits you.

and its a bittersweet thing.
for the 3 years. the times that were not spent.
carrying forward those balances this year.
we'll try to repay them as much as we can.
so to those reading pls.
kindly submit ur schedules to me~~!!!

the past 10 days have been filled with slow revelation.
and growth. and acceptance.
that ive got alot more to look forward to with regards.
to our social circles.

spiderman.superman/x-men.durian man.

tioman.redang.pelawan.siloso.tanjong kangaroo.

meet the fockers. meet the parents.
errr meet the parents. ;p

so many places. so lil money. onli one miserable wallet lol.
the slogans changed already for now.

there'll come a time when the denizens of the underdark.
will surface and live in harmony with those above.
thats a promise.

to those that have been supportive.
to those that have helped every way they could.
and to those heh that have been kept in the dark.

a thousand apologies.
and of course thank you for feeling happy and understanding the reasons.
why i have to do the things i do. :)
its all for the better ler~~

im not going to let this post drag too long cuz im hungry.
and im headed to dinner after this so.... hurrr...

heres photos for the last 10 days in no particular order:

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the knights of the oily chicken table ;p
observe the symmetry of cutlery.

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eating ahem xiao long bao and tou fu~
lolx..... gimme a moment~~ lemme make a call... hur.

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baiting ade~

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chris's 1/2 spring chicken~ pre cut too lolx

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ade's creamy spagetti that fights back

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dee's weiner errrrr nevermind~ ;p

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juz to remember the night where we were forgiven ;p
hur hur hur

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local version of jack-the-ripper.
chris-the-coaster-shredder ;p

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post exam/icp celebration. how many more days are there ahead.
i dare not count. but for while they are.
make them last. sigh~~~ its a tad gay but im gonna miss everyone.

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the steamboat of revelation.
and chilli. and scallop.
and fish glues and solid beef. and definitely alot of balls ;p
thanks guys for coming. more to go~

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a sample of the food at Tian Fu at TK.
D1.Chris.Cer.Sim.Dap.FG. with the prior cross country at.
Quote: :" Did u guys wait long?" "naa only 1.2 an hr ;p;p"

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post steamboat confectionery and drinks.
cheesecake cafe. dreamy ambience.
lotsa cute poses and ahahhaha nvm. will post them.
when i eventually get the photos ;p

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BANZAIIIIII~~~~~~~~~ no not pang sai......

am headed off to dinner now.
im sorry i do not have any pictures of the tim sum.
at red star ;p but wa lieu...
the way food was grabbed will always be hilarious.
the 2 man food/tea pinching party.
and the ever hungry platoon of:
d1.d2.matt.we.chris. and of course joe.

will edit this post once the photos come in thru the mail.

"that as we walk down this road together,
that as we leave out prints in the sands of time.
each mark tells a story of strive,
a story of love, and a story of hope.

that at the end of the road,
when we're past the years of exuberance and youth.
that as we grey gracefully into the twilight years.

there'll always be you. and me."

signing off.


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