typin realli quick.
no im not going to borrow the prev post.
juz a efficient summary of my life for yesterdae and todae and tomorrow.
finally gotten the hp done, got my hair done, got my bball done.
got the loveemotionsea done. got a realli expensive bubblytea done.
got bread done. got sleep done.

got everything done real stoned. that was yesterdae.

todae. onli god knows how i dragged myself out of bed onto the train.

i was bareli aware i was moving. travellin without moving.
looking without seeing. spaced out in flux.
in simple words. in case you havent guessed it yet.

im still on flu medicine.
and its workin wonders for my attention span.

like reducing it to zero.
came home hoping to study.
i lay in bed immediately.

blogging now cuz my blog misses me.
and my loyal readers. if there are ani. miss me.
weep for me. say a lil prayer hoping i would be alive tomorrow.

so now i lay me down to sleep.
i pray my p**** i would keep.
and if i wake up and its gone.
i hope to find it on the lawn.
not in my dogs kennel,
not in her teeth,
wrapped in an ice bag,
ready to be reattached.

to me.

good nite world.
snifflin off.


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