ello blog.
in chronological order.
before school and in school
the usual, 11-9.
cept todaes mealtimes were a lil screwy.
1130am for breakfast, 4 for lunch and 1030 for dinner.
and for the 1st time in a long while.
my bio clock failed me.
i woke at 10..... not 7. arrrg.
didnt go running todae, will make up for it tomorrow.
school. u know how birds migrate south when it turns cold?
we did it todae too.
had a table at the airconditioned area.
with f.s.c.
cept with each passing minute.
it got colder and colder like somebody turned down.
the thermostat or something.
c came. with her jacket.
took off her jacket.
put back on her jacket.
then: "errr is it getting colder in here or issit me"
shifted south. like 2 floors down.
more tropical. more bearable.
and of course more amusing as s.
had to carry a
read: TISSUE BOX with floral patterns to boot.
down the stairs and to our new roost.
pretty manly.
hur hur
c brought it. so we could use them.
and say shes responsible for all the litter we generate.
so we mugged til abt 4.
needed sustenance badly.
if runnin makes one hungry.
studying, hungrier.
pffft so much for brain food.
its getting more amusing and hilarious with each passing day.
when c's jumping into the fray of nonsense that revolves around
the study table.
nonsense is in fashion.
come join us.
cf was at ehhh 6.
thats when s brought his pad.
i mean. paper pad.
to book seats.
bumped into another s in the lift.
end of story.
;p leaving the pad on his desired seat.
we both went back down to our table.
then s. wanted to continue writing notes.
.......... (wheres the pad?)
no prizes for guessing lol.
s. studying is realli bad for u.
at the rate u develop your insanity as each study day passes.
im going to buy u a new windbreaker soon.
would a straight jacket fit?
so we stoned in cf.
and mugged again til 9.
til. alt+f4 kicked in and we shatted, err shutted down.
sometimes, sai-nai'ing is good for u. c.....
at least i got the car hur hur.
it was the car that brought d.s to tadah!!

Fei Fei Wanton Mee at joochiat. though we originally wanted to head for oasis at Kallang. til somebody had lemmings. right after i made a turn in the other direction.

didnt get to take a nice shot of the food. finished it too quickly.

floury soup. juz when u tot u could end the meal with a nice bowl of soup.
we all know. that noodle sellers. have a huge pot.
its divided into sections.
one section for nice tasting soup.
the other for cooking the noodles.
realli. i swear the soup s brought back came from the latter.
other than that. the meal was great.
and u know what s? screw the images ;p its going to be over soon.
drove s back to tiong bahru.
didnt get lost on the way home.
traffic jam on the cte at 1125pm
taxis should burn in ****
heard a realli good song on 98.00
thanked the matriarch for the car.
and am lying in bed blogging.
i feel like ive written a horrendously long bed time story for myself.
and i need a shower.
"don't know where this is going to head. but, i'm takin my chances"
and.... im not too tense!!! well yes...errr....no....
errr nvm.
signing off.
in chronological order.
before school and in school
the usual, 11-9.
cept todaes mealtimes were a lil screwy.
1130am for breakfast, 4 for lunch and 1030 for dinner.
and for the 1st time in a long while.
my bio clock failed me.
i woke at 10..... not 7. arrrg.
didnt go running todae, will make up for it tomorrow.
school. u know how birds migrate south when it turns cold?
we did it todae too.
had a table at the airconditioned area.
with f.s.c.
cept with each passing minute.
it got colder and colder like somebody turned down.
the thermostat or something.
c came. with her jacket.
took off her jacket.
put back on her jacket.
then: "errr is it getting colder in here or issit me"
shifted south. like 2 floors down.
more tropical. more bearable.
and of course more amusing as s.
had to carry a
read: TISSUE BOX with floral patterns to boot.
down the stairs and to our new roost.
pretty manly.
hur hur
c brought it. so we could use them.
and say shes responsible for all the litter we generate.
so we mugged til abt 4.
needed sustenance badly.
if runnin makes one hungry.
studying, hungrier.
pffft so much for brain food.
its getting more amusing and hilarious with each passing day.
when c's jumping into the fray of nonsense that revolves around
the study table.
nonsense is in fashion.
come join us.
cf was at ehhh 6.
thats when s brought his pad.
i mean. paper pad.
to book seats.
bumped into another s in the lift.
end of story.
;p leaving the pad on his desired seat.
we both went back down to our table.
then s. wanted to continue writing notes.
.......... (wheres the pad?)
no prizes for guessing lol.
s. studying is realli bad for u.
at the rate u develop your insanity as each study day passes.
im going to buy u a new windbreaker soon.
would a straight jacket fit?
so we stoned in cf.
and mugged again til 9.
til. alt+f4 kicked in and we shatted, err shutted down.
sometimes, sai-nai'ing is good for u. c.....
at least i got the car hur hur.
it was the car that brought d.s to tadah!!
Fei Fei Wanton Mee at joochiat. though we originally wanted to head for oasis at Kallang. til somebody had lemmings. right after i made a turn in the other direction.
didnt get to take a nice shot of the food. finished it too quickly.
floury soup. juz when u tot u could end the meal with a nice bowl of soup.
we all know. that noodle sellers. have a huge pot.
its divided into sections.
one section for nice tasting soup.
the other for cooking the noodles.
realli. i swear the soup s brought back came from the latter.
other than that. the meal was great.
and u know what s? screw the images ;p its going to be over soon.
drove s back to tiong bahru.
didnt get lost on the way home.
traffic jam on the cte at 1125pm
taxis should burn in ****
heard a realli good song on 98.00
thanked the matriarch for the car.
and am lying in bed blogging.
i feel like ive written a horrendously long bed time story for myself.
and i need a shower.
"don't know where this is going to head. but, i'm takin my chances"
and.... im not too tense!!! well yes...errr....no....
errr nvm.
signing off.