
hi blog.
sorry i left ur compose window open for so long.
but was busy searching.
for nail polish remover to clean my phone
for some reason or another.


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art is onli valuable when the person who created it is.
1)murdered 2)murdered 3)murdered.
take your pick ;p


brought sis number 2 to ecp for breakfast.
had a talk with her about stuff thats on my mind.
that sometimes.
we do things even with the knowledge of possible futility of things.

while breakfast was pleasant.
ie 3xsausagemcmuffinwegg 1xhbrown 2xtea / 2 people.
we had the pleasure of watching....
inconsiderate dog owners. allow their pooch to poop.
on a heavily used pedestrain walk.
no the pleasure didnt come from watching the dog poop.
nor the owners obliviousness to his own pooches poop.

it was guessing.
who flattened one piece of the vile thing
as the world trudged on by.
watching narrow misses and hits.
one can derive some form of sick utility.
kk end of the poop story.

heres a pic to remember the breakfast by:

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walking back to the car.
u know how some people stake out and
lookout for people who dangle.
their keys and are heading back towards their car
when they're leaving?

hur hur.

we had one such car following us.
cept. our car was parked not within that
particular carpark in mention.
so we walked. and it followed.
and it followed as we
slowly walked towards.......
the pavement that would lead us to the carpark further down
with full knowledge and alot of giggling and chortling
as the car revved off in frustration.
if ure lazy to walk. thats the price u pay sometimes.

saturday is also study day.
juz like every other day.
surprisingly, met f.and.s. no not the usual s and f.
another s.and.f.
it was fun :)
good luck to the both of ya for the exams ya?
3 papers a day is no joke.
brrrr. i juz realised. i forgot to clean the calculator..

left the skola at errmm 530pm.
headed down to seng li at queensway.
its an optical shop there, with fantastic service.
realli realli realli good service.
well worth the xxx quid i shelled out. though i.
wanted a m-frame. got a half-jacket instead.
wheeeee my new toy, but...
will be eating grass for the next month to come.

errr mooooo?

anione wanna donate to the:

feed the hungry D fund? min contributions are $50
donations in kind are not accepted.

hur hur hur.

drove down to oasis with the studygroup S.

heres a couple of pics of the places along the way and inside there.

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we wanted to have this. we looked into pockets. we wanted to have this.
we did'nt have this.

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if. if we didnt turn left towards the restaurant.
we would have walked straight into this.
with lily and coco and melanie and watever name of a hostess u can find surrounding us.
in other words. a lar4 sap4 bar (dirty bar). ;p

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the place. where simple dishes are made so so so good.

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the view of our window seat. pretty aint it?

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juz a shot of the restaurant interior.

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food!!! glorious food!!! accompanied by han zi porridge.
Sweet sweet potato porridge.

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the most sinful thing on the table. dont miss this if you're there.

told s.
that i would take. my other half 2 be.
one day on a food hunt.
around the island, then the world.
upon retirement if we could afford it.
and the odds of it happening.

"its not nonchalance.
its too much comfort.
inertia. and lack of impetus. Hence.
the near futility of things."

"someday. just someday.
let it be happy. one way or another."

ignore the above quotes. dont bother making sense of it either.
juz musings.

its a realli good day.

Snippets for todae:

New definition overheard of a person thats perpetually sad.
He's called a sadist.

what the....

headed out for tea/coffee with one of the d's.

nitez to all reading this.

Signing off.


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