
hiya blog.
yes. im taking a break from mugging.
and i didnt post yesterdae.
too many events. too lil time.
only one me.

hur hur hur

went to toa payoh.
picked sis1 and headed for school.
mugged with sim.
left for dinner.
sent him to the mrt.
then ahahahhahahaha when shit happens.

shit happens.

so i have an unexpected guest staying over.
due to the lack of availability of a last train home.
and no. we're not gay ;p

oddly. well..... i'll leave the ominous part later.
heres abt school:

it was pretty eventful.
if anione recalls my prev post on.
bitchin abt your lecturer in the toilet.

well. heres the next part.
episode 2: the phantom lecturer

so we left school after mugging.
say abt 8'ish.
and sim asked me earlier in the day.
"what would u do if u see him face to face again huh?"
"errr say hi?"

apparently that didnt happen.

walked out of the gigabyte-terrabyte-idontbite-megabite

and headed for the lifts to see.
*drum roll*
the lecturer in mention.
so i blitzed my way thru the crowd when he wasnt looking.
(so much for saying hi)
and made it to the stairs. instead of the lift cuz.
one. he might fall down from the 3rd floor to the 2nd.
but never to the first.
two. i didnt want to hang around the lift landing on the 3rd
long enough for him to see me.

all goes well. we trot down the stairs and
take the lift at level 1.
and ahahahhaha we're scot free.

*ding* we enter lift. thinking we're going down.
time passes the lift moves we're laughing at our escape.
*ding* the doors open and WTFFFFFFFF
we're at the 3rd floor. and.....

yours truly waves at us as he spots us while walking by.

so he remembered...... wahahahaha
so much for good karma.
and my horoscope telling me i lead a charmed life.

so anewae. heres a pictorial recollection.

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crispy salty bread at Ya Kun Toa Payoh

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if 90% solid boiled eggs in my prev post was bad.
this is worse :p try 95%

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sis1 raising her Mkt Value leaning on me lolx......
ahahahhahahahha sorry sis ;p u know it too

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so people use stress balls to destress.
heres mine :P once again. thanks sis whahahahahha
lurve the two of u to bits.

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the drive home. apparently someone thought this was a.
at least brake wasnt that bad if u factor ignorance.
but.... someone thought it looked like a.. di**o........ lol

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realli realli nice LoR Mee at Circuit Road
good stuff la wahahahhahaha
lotsa nonsense was discussed over dinner with sim.
my own pad. and life thereafter.
let the show begin ;p

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at home after dinner.
threatenin to pull a WWE stunt on sim after too many cold jokes.

yea. well that would have ended yesterdae.
if i chose not to mention about my twitching left eyelid.

some say its: 左凶右吉 and some say its the other way round.
but consensus is. its the former.

so my left eyelid was twitching for quite abit.
like some disaster was going to strike.
and i thought of my dad fishing out sea.
prays nothings wrong with him. couldnt get him on the phone either.
unless i send a homing pidgeon or something to deliver a msg.
to the 鸟不拉屎 place he's in...
dun think the phones going to be of help.
he'll be fine la.... God Bless.

so i lay on the bed and closed my eyes.
and sim told me not to. citing my dreams.
of late.

so we mused abt alot of things before sleeping.
funny scenarios. cold talk. hot talk. all kinds of talk.
its fun la. i guess. some things will follow their due course i guess bro.
and thats for all of us.

so back to the eyelid issue. hur hur hur.

we came to a consensus.
abt what the disaster was
only this morning over breakfast with.
sim. cher . d.

the "flying cockroach attack" WAS the disaster
(to the person in mention lolx..... dun kill me hahaha
i already offered my extermination services in uniform n all ;p)

so heres breakfast todae:

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does this look like food for 4?

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well heres another addition to the 5 bowls.
6 bowls of food for 4.
and sim didnt like his addition being snapped. lolx.

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miracles do happen :)
cher finished her own bowl. and with extras lol.
can i have four numbers plsssss

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heres when we got home.
and sim. blocking my car with a trolley...... bleahz.z.

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giving up after being indoctrinated by more of
冷师父 's teachings ;p

so we're happily studying.
suddenly you begin to hear knockings on your door.

the contractor working below.
then tells u he beautified your bike.
your precious bike. cuz he think it was too plain looking.
with a lil amendment to its common form:

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amazing aint it?
instead of a nice circle ive got a half mashed donut. :)

(im not sad realli. realli im not..)
pssss (his offer of compensation was ahhahaha. wondrous.)
(thats why im not sad realli. wahahaha im not sad)
biKE ShoPPe here I CoMe~~~~~~

gonna end this post here. back to muggin ler.
and im hungry lol.....


the end has yet to come.


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