dream a lil dream

hey there blog.
sippin on a bourbon and lying back in bed.
i think ive just payed all the sleep debt.
ive accrued the past 2 weeks todae.


yea its been a tad draining but.
its a wonderful night tonight as i type.
and yep. think its time to switch on the auto pilot.
its too much to handle i guess.
so since im not in control anymore.
i think i'll..

juz kick back. sit back. lay back.
and watch things go as they should.

so whos the shepherd. and whos the sheep?
sometimes. hurr control is a freaky thing.
esp the lack of it. then again. it works the same way as choice.
so whichever position ure in.

its the winner's dilemna.

with every right comes along responsibility.
so...... hurrrr i dunno how many ive abused in this lifetime.
then again. it was fun while they lasted.
and they still are.
some im proud of. some i aint so proud of.

the journey has been fun so far.
and its slippin slowly.
its a lil hard to be strong. like in the words.
of the song.

Ordinary people.

yea its not the first time im making references to this song.
just. hurrrrr taking it slow.
is sometimes a humanly impossible deed.

"and it gets more confusing everyday.
sometimes its heaven sent and we head back to hell again.
we rise and we fall.
and we feel like just walking away."

so i dunno if im staying currently. or im walking away.
hurrr but im sure time will tell.

at least it would have to.
if not no ones gonna give me the answers ;p

so how should i begin. today at least.

lets see..
rudely awakened by the ringtone.
slurred my way thru the morning :)
nearli making a wrong turn to cher's house again.
for the umpteempth time.
incessant craving for carrot cake.

think the above juz kicks off the day hurrr:

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lao goh carrot cake :) hits the spot~!

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soup. but i dunno what dnc were trying to do to thwart my.
photo obsession. dirty minds pffft lolx.

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20 steamed dumplings wahahahaha

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10 fried dumplings. so that makes 30 dumplings.
meant to make sure we take a dump later.
oops sorrie. cold joke.

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twin peaks ;p

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dont even want to begin explaining this lol.

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lychee coke with salt. thanks d. its realli a nice drink.
im not joking. try it too ya'll reading tis.

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defending my food from pollution.
after adding coke to d's cheng tng. hur hur hur.

so there was alot. i repeat. ALOT.
of crap talk over the table lol.
getting spooked twice by d while ordering food.
discussing realli deep stuff like the origins of sago.
rice. chinese rice. jap rice.
the differentiation btwn sheep. meh meh.
goats. rams. lambs.
which didnt realli help as it was raining.
we werent feeling particularly warm or bothered.
and the content of the jokes.

were colder than the rain itself wahahahahhaha

so yep. lunch ended when the rain stopped.
n the food center at zion.
could have sworn it was Exodus relived.
almost as if on cue.
everyone left.
other noteworthy things would be that.
i nearly wanted to strangle a kid.
that was playing with an umbrella near me.
cuz... he nearly hit me with it arrrrrrr.
go live ur superhero dreams elsewhere.
i love kids. ;p

so yep. headed home.
more like d's home. cuz i didnt feel like going home.
and talked about the current.
didnt last too long.
cuz i fell asleep on the bed.
though intermittenly. it was realli good rest.
woke up feeling like alot was taken off my shoulders.
all that without beer. no intoxication.
pure. simple. release.

headed off for a swim at matt's and wen's.
learnt that a jc kid killed himself becuz he thought his.
lil brother that way down. a tad too puny.
i mean if he killed himself over exams. people would understand.
but a puny *ahem cough cough* bleahz...


we also. saw the most disgusting cow EVER.
at the pool.
its such a sight you know.

a beautiful poolside.
2 girls tanning.
one sits up. smokes. and drinks hoegarden on her chair.
and its still the afternoon wtf?

at least if she sat still. it wouldnt be that bad.
she had to parade her 2 piece.
with her 2 pieces spilling over and im pretty sure she knows it too.
walking around the pool. at the nearby playground.
and back to her chair non stop.
for the duration of our lil swim.

pffffft. if the scenery was good.
that was a walking eyesore. period.
but it was funny la.

ahahaha imagine two guys singing.
"i am cow here me moo...."
in the shower room. with due respect to the walking udders.
well. that was alot of laughs for today.
hey babe thanks for fodder for conversation.

it even provided insipration for use.
of self raising flour lol..... cher im sure u know what we mean.

mnyw had to leave for 娘家 so drove them back.
discussing our fav topic.
lol.... and yep thats where we decided for ramen.
at cuppage :) woooot lurve the soups there.

heres dinner:

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d.c.d posing nicely for the camera though they tried.
to duck alot of times.
the lil cat in shrek provided inspiration. in pleadin them to hold still ;p

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shopfront of a massage parlour somewhere.

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the place. and the menu.

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pictorial guide to appeasing boyfriends when u miff them a lil.
such a move accompanied by a lil submissive whining works wonders.
shove it down with good food.
the results: priceless
lolx. at least for a bystander ie. Me. ahahhahahahha

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d in glasses lol.... dun give me the 斯文 something something statement ;p

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glorious chilli.
add lots of "left" followed by 1 scoop of "middle" and "5 scoops of "right"
into your chilli ramen. voila.
recipe for toilet trouble :) lurvee exciting tastes.

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what me had. chilli ramen with han-cha-han

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realli cant remember what cher had. ahhh i knoe.
ramen!! lolx....

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mabonduri tofu with rice. fantastic stuff~~

that effectively ended dinner.
realli feel like a arbritrator and saboteur when.
im out with d n c lolx....

im neither on one side or the other.
but its realli fun watching the two of u lolx.

drove them back.
and am home in bed now.
still at my bourbon as i type this part of todays entry.
and listening to Laura Fygi - Dream a Lil Dream Of Me.

the lights are dimmed.
and my vision blurs a lil.
no im not tearing. duh..
juz letting things go.

Laura Fygi - Dream a Lil Dream Of Me.

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper 'I love you'
Birds singing in the sycamore tree'
Dream a little dream of me'

Just say 'goodnight' and kiss me
Oh, hold me tight and tell me you miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading, but I linger on, dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn, my dear
Just saying this

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

Say 'nightie-night' and kiss me
Oh, hold me tight and tell me you miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me


so dream a lil dream of me.
cuz u dont know me.

signing off~


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