Hello all. Im back from a long break from blogging.
Used the break to continue mugging.
so technically. theres no break at all.
its just a transfer of resource from one project to another.
in which one will yield a greater NPV in the long run.
one can also borrow ideas from intertemporal choice.
to justify my actions where im much of a saver.


to those that i have not seen for ages.
like sim.ade. and you know who you are.
hang in there. get well soon.
and im looking forward to steamboat already hur hur hur.
btw d2 would be tagging along i believe.
but we'll wait til its all over when we're emancipated.

from paperus stressus maximus.

for now we'll have the incessant mugger solidarity party.
following the party creed of "mug til die"
and of course having lil laughs at my lil predicament ;p
(esp when i walk out of the door...bleah lolx)

would like to thank my sisters for being exceptionally nice about things.
sis1 for her door stopping skills and her room for studying and chatter.
sis2 for being incessantly sweet and need of destress~ pss u owe me $5.


on a lighter note.

life has been well.... great!
thats the best i can muster :)

there comes a time when u give thanks and appreciation.
for what you have.
what you have found.
about people. about yourself.
and it culminates into an overall happy mood in this post.
and in the past few days i have not been blogging.
tiring they may be. they have been.

gratifyingly gratifying.

oh wtf..... im a pig~~ ;p
and lost slippers.
and my first bucket has overflowed so im using another photobucket account.

kk so yep the pictures will be divided into a real life edition.
and a superhero edition to rival that of xmen3.

heres the goods:

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tim sum at 红星 with the challengers and d2c~

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the calm before the storm.

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machines sure dont know how to console a lady.

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flooding at the basement of parkway while a fire burns above.

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the official "ice-breaker" to slush ice for our cocktails~

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commemorating the first public transport trip since since.

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chris finally able to grab the listener (by the neck ;p)

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soda water and protein so dun go together

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taking the sis's and d3 for eats at ecp.

so that ends the real life section of photos.
heres the oddball superhero section: ;p

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scotchtape and a stick to grab the $5 outta a drain cover.
the whole coffeeshop was starin~

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gatorade man

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dunno how to name this one.

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oakley oaks.

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men in black. (wasnt even planned)

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jack-o-lantern waitin for lightning to start the blender.

getting ready for reservist~
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dun even ask what were we doing lol~~

back to uniform again.....

will not be blogging til the 8th i believe.
so yep to all the readers who frequent this place.
to appreciate the crap i generate.

i'll be sorely missed~ wahhahahahahha


I Finally Found Someonewritten by:
with Barbra Streisand

Bryan: I finally found someone, who knocks me off my feet;
Bryan: I finally found the one who makes me feel complete...
Barbara: It started over coffee, we started out as friends;
Barbara: It's funny how from simple things; the best things begin...

Bryan: This time is different;
Bryan: It's all because of you!..
Bryan: It's better than it's ever been;
Together: Cuz we can talk it through;

Barbara: My favorite line was 'Can I call you sometime?';
Barbara: It's all you had to say...
Together: To take my breath away...

Together: This is it!
Together: Oh, I finally found someone; Someone to share my life;
Together: I finally found the one - to be with every night;

Barbara: Cause whatever I do
Bryan: It's just got to be you!

Together: My life has just begun, I finally found someone...

Bryan: Did I keep you waiting?
Barbara: I didn't mind
Bryan: I apologize
Barbara: Baby, that's fine
Bryan: I would wait forever
Together: Just to know you were mine;

Bryan: Ya Know - I love your hair...
Barbara: Are you sure it looks right?
Bryan: I love what you wear...
Barbara: Isn't it too tight?
Bryan: You're exceptional!
Together: I can't wait for the rest of my life...

Together: Oh This Is It!
Together: I finally found someone;
Someone to share my life,
Together: I finally found the one; to be with every night...
Barbara: Cause whatever I do
Bryan: It's just got to be you

Together: My life has just begun; I finally found someone...
Barbara: And whatever I do.
Bryan: It's just got to be you!
Barbara: My life has just begun...

Together: I finally found someone...


don't get me wrong. simply just.

Revisiting old songs.
Revisiting life.
Revisiting the present.
Revisiting the future.
Revisiting the smile that never fades.
Revisiting a dream that never dies.


signing off


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