So yep. Post holiday life.
is the high life.

got home from MI3 with
abit too predictable lerrrr
but its still a decent watch given.
the lack of movie life ive had of late.
met up with the missing man.

its been ages and it was great.

and im not gay.

the nitemares are over.
stronger. is the word to put about things.

heres the pics for the past few days:

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new superhero on the block. might feature in xmen3.

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ehhhh cheers? ;p

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toe tanning in progress do not disturb.

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i dunno how this pic got captured~~
but yea thats 3 people trying to move a bike.

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dinner cum supper cuz we wanna study til die.
with cer and fg :)

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mothers day celebration 2. steamboat at roxy~~

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the meeting up again. with
and lets not forget tommy cruz boy.

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post dinner thumbs up at 1030 with sim.

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finally d2 and d1 are having beer after the 50 dollar wager.
root beer~~

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every dawn is a new beginning :)

so yep thats the best i can sum the past few no post days.
lifes a lil hectic. exams are as usual, around the corner.

and it can't get any better than this.

signing off


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