hello blog. u missed me right...
yea and so did a whole other bunch of people ;p

newae i feel i muz explain myself.
theres a trend for every post if u noticed.
since feb/mar.

theres always a tinge of melancholy.
then covered up by any form of exuberance.
that i can muster.
to cover up the initial mellow-ness of everything.
hence this blog serves its purpose in:
helping me destress.
helping me rant.
helping me send subtle msgs.
helping me be me.

and ahahhahahahha it has done its job faithfully.

so that explains my lack of posts since.
and yes im back again.

life has been very very eventful.
since the last post.
and its been so tiring.
i barely have enough energy left to blog given.
it takes me an hour everytime i try to put something.
on screen thats at least of readable quality.

so yep.
what has dee been doing? u ask.
dee has been:

preparing for holidays.
gone wakeboarding.
been doing alot of reading (haruki murakami rox~~)
been catching up with sports of old.
and am exceptionally sunburnt.
whilst waiting for reservist and pleasing tenants.
that have disasters that never seem to end.

funny how mel moods make me type more than i should.
and happy moments have very lil to be spoken about.

dont you think?

its weird when people say:

"when u smile, the world smiles with you"

usually i get weird stares.
when im smiling like a nut.
and nonchalance when im putting on the usual.
欠扁 look of mine.

so that proves the old saying wrong.

its pretty sad sometimes.
that happy times dont get.
blogged about in as much verbal or written detail.
when ure sad u can say stuff like.
"so todae wasnt a bad day after all,
just worst.. yadda yadda yadda"

when ure happy.

u juz dont blog lolx!!~~ so shoot me.
it wouldnt be a pretty sight to see me running in my boxers.
around the neighbourhood screaming my ecstatic state of mind.
whenever and wherever i feel like it right......

but surely. happy moments ought to be remembered.
so i should henceforth.
publish photos of good times.
without captions or even a post proper.
and one can safely assume if i banter.
over and over about something.
theres prolly something amiss somewhere.
but dont try too hard in reading between the lines.
cuz then again.
im not meant to be read by the lenght of my post.
nor its content matter wahhahahhaha.

the abovementioned paragraphs are known and will
consist of tonnes of nonsense within which it is hard to
discern fiction from reality and the truths from the lies.

if you've managed to read this far.
i applaud you for your tenacity.
and persistence in trying to make coherence and sense of.
the gibberish above.
and hence should lead you on further into.
an abyss of eternal crap.



as if its not obvious.

im a happy man.
and you made it happen.
thanks everyone :)

pss. the matriarch and patriarch have heard my confession.
come out into the light now hur hur hur.
you're it. whahahhahahahhaha.

heres the photos proper.... "la~"

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"kor your bed is so blue, like the sea.
can i swim in it?"

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
the day of badminton. shuttlecock assault.
and dinner without the minds~
in attendance: hm.wl.cer.sim.chris.d1.
absent: the medicine man at reservist heh heh heh
below: thats wl trying to stab the photographer ;p

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jim was beaming drownin in cola.
and thats d1c1 at the ecp :)

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sis2 nice enough to follow me to help out.
at the family day cannibal.. i mean carnival.
at ubi. free food. free drinks.
really screwy music. and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
thanks mei~~

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
like a long lost friend. pizza de france.
we meet again.
so you left that night without a sound.
with you then. our stomachs flipped round and round.
oh wtf.... try this pissa out when u guys are free :)

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family kopi and teh-c
thanks ma for the 应酬~ heh

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books galore from the airpork and parkway parade mph~~~

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chris getting her first taste of maxwell 炸豆腐~!

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潮成 porridge with d2 at chinatown~
皮蛋 rox~~~~

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the wakeboarding lunch at cartel.
attendance: d1.c1.di.wes.jac.hp. i think~ ;p;p;p
(will add more photos when they come thru the mail :)

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
brunch at marine parade Hans with d2 and chris.
the bee hoon hor fun style error.
and 3 hungry people~~ migod
i havent slacked a day off like that for ages.

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hotate mayonnaise again~!!!! wahahahha
at waraku east coast with the patriarch and sis2.

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potato mentai~ not mental... mentai.
"kor am i fat?" naaa.... here have more potato and mayo~

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shoyu and tonkutsu ramen.
still prefer the soup bases at cuppage~~~~

yep so that ends the past dunno how many days of absence.
my neck is aching.
did groceries less than 2 hrs ago.
ive got cuts at weird places from wakeboarding.
i tried on a gay shirt and a good looking shirt todae.
im so gonna die in gym tomolo.
im gonna invest in tonnes of black shirts.
and i wanna play badminton again~~
and im still gonna invest in tonnes of black shirts.


screw the tenants... beatchhhh!~

gonna sign off the post now.
wait..... i normally dont sound so formal do i?

signing off


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