so i return.
from another paper.
the 3rd from the last.
and soon it will go just as fast.

that in turn.
from a 3 year caper.
the times we spend together just.
seems so short. yet to eternity they last.

that when i say.
"ask all you can, for this might be the end."
the silent acknowledgement.
filled with tension. brimming with lament.

that when you say.
"the road has just begun."
the spoken acknowledgement.
filled with elation. a transient emotion.

so then as we take flight.
do not go quietly. into the night.

like fireworks we soared in brilliance.
the flames full of vigour and faith.
like constellations in eternal transition.
we flicker. we burn akin to cinders.

that the passing of a flame.
ignite another.

we were. and we will be.


to the people who i just might not see again.
and to those that have made a difference.
these 3 years have been fruitful.

for the times that could have been but never did.
those are the only regrets.
for all the times that did.
those will remain etched.
both in the space of perception and reflection.
both in the heart and in the mind.

so i end the sappy words above with a thank you.
to everyone thats reading this and know what i infer.

the day proper begins here:

so macro sucked big time i swear.
pffffffttt.... pls pls pls pls oh pls throw a 34 my way.
just for posterity's sake.
just dont throw the whole paper away~~

kk i really should stop whining.
it stinks when ure so close to your hons when.
something like seet or sheet or shiit comes ur way.
(psst im not referring to any lecturer... really)

so that ends today. the excitement of exams.
and the physical fatigue has finally taken its toll.
im sleepy before 12 again ahahahahhaha.
and its another 5 days to ICP. the final paper.
and hopefully the last year i stay in.
singapoora instituta la manegemont.

some people have ended their exams.
u dun even have to look at their timetables.
just look at their faces.
some are just beginning their struggle. and then some.

so hurrr good luck to everyone for the results coming.
july or september.
and also good luck to me.

ive done a pretty good job so far.
incorporating the concepts ive acquired.
over the 3 yrs into my everyday speech.
much to the dismay of some around me.

a brilliant example would be:

the student exam effort managerial maximisation problem.
where effort is costly. in disutility terms.
and only good quality students put in effort as a signal.
and low quality students signal otherwise.
what we have is adverse selection after the natural selection process.
that only interactionism holds true as a path to consensus.
during study meetings.
hence as a result of study.
hysteresis might occur. in the short run.
as a result. in the long run. students become hysterical.
and thus they all become history.
therefore due to idisyncratic errors that exist in life.
the returns from study can be generated from a.
multi factor model. known as the APT (ARRR PLS STOP)
having factored in the request that people have made.
using the APT.
i end this discourse.

by concluding that. empirical studies disagree that.
the author will stop crapping due to use of.
forceful or misigivings policies.

hur hur hur hur hur.....

im still waiting for my chances.
to bring the motivations in my life.
the people that have the answers.
the person that has the solution.
the ones that would see it all through.
the one that will transcend above everything.



on another another note. (yes i have lots of notes)
steamboat steamboat steamboat~!!!!!
15th ah to those that are supposed to be there.
dont put aeroplane ahhh not like someone.
hurrrr must postpone from 14th to 15th pffft.
lolx juz kidding lerrr u know who u are lerr horrr...
s..i....m...... oops. ;p

yup yup.

lastly, here are the photos taken during my period.
of absence due to examination leave.

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hotate mayonnaise~~~

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wheres my kajiki??

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corocoro beef~

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the 10 dollar and season parking dessert session.

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claypot oink and ever so wonderful tasting spareribs soup!~

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katong ss chicken rice. and~~ soups~~ so good u gotta try it.
to believe it.

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the patriarch. sis1 and 2. and d1.

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after nearly 4 weeks of muggin.
this the only photo to show for it ;p

yep so i better end the post cuz its really long.
and its 12 hurrrr....
life begins tomorrow~

signing off.


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