hello blog.
its been a long long while.
it also means a long long while of busy-ness.
tired-ness. happi-ness. loch-ness. oops.


its been a very very tumultous period since the.
last post.
life has been very exciting and.
i just returned from reservist.
with extra poundage like 4 kg.
and i realised how much reservist is to be looked forward to.

faith wise:

holification has resulted in a much better person.
inside. and i'm so happy to be able to share.
with the one that means the world to me.
and those around me in good time.
and i am much happier.
and so is the missus.
that it has reached the stage of reciprocation.
that there is freedom that is so powerful.
its almost transcendal.
that being the head and not the tail.
that being the head that allows submission.
that when committed into His hands.
all things are possible. and it will be made good.
that trials and tribulations are for our lessons to remember.
that it will always never be beyond what we can bear.
and there is mercy.
and there is forgiveness.
and fear should only be to the revered One.
that the rest.
just aint gonna make the mark.
in standards.
in life.
in opinions.

let there be faith to overcome.
let there be faith and it will be done.


that we do not proclaim "help me to believe"
but understand we each have different gifts.
and we walk in the Truth, The Way and The Light.

that we do not doubt.
and we proceed in faith.

I'm not sure if i mentioned i tenderd my resignation.
and the occupational roller coaster went into overdrive.

and now. to build accountable relationships.
i will honour my word.
and i will do what i need to do.

Rediscovery of lost things:

that people came and went.
that happiness came and went.
that the spirited-ness came and went.
that finances came and went.

yet. things always have a way of coming back full circle.
and its a blessing.
that we rediscover friendships.
we rediscover the very things that bring delight.
that bring elation. that elevate our soul.
that the Word is rediscovered.
that the purpose becomes more clear.
that priorities get set straight.
that directions become apparent.
and the feeling of Love just never dies.
that i so look forward to the future.
and i dont walk alone.
and all those who walk with me.

thank you.

to all those that have hurt me.
i forgive you.

that to those i have offended.
i apologise.

and to all that still are and will be.
i am forever grateful.

In essence. the crappiness of this blog seems to have.
taken a nose dive.

but it will return. in good time.

i want to give thanks to Him.

i want to give thanks to family for always being there.
that im a bigger person now.
and i love you guys. may my existance.
edify each and everyone of you.

to give thanks to friends.
that i have started rolling money into the drain with.
to those that have held on for years beyond years.
you guys are wonderful.

and lastly.
i wanna give thanks to my baby.
as a constant source of inspiration.
devotion. that ancient women..........
k nvm. u know what im saying ;p
that i so look forward to more in this life with you.
after 15 months and still counting.
and you mean every woman in the world to me.

that we should'nt sweat the small stuff.
that every one stumbles.
but its all planned for.
and we're under His watchful eyes.

you're so loved.
and so am i :)

going back to work on monday.
i MISS reservist!!! ><

and so does she... nvm ;p

wish list:
that 1yr 8 months flies faster.
a new mp3 player.
bowling ball.
a new pc.
a car.
money to buy a house.
money to buy the world.
k that sums it up best. hurr...

bowling anyone?

no suzuki swifts.
no prudent-ia-ls

heh heh heh heh heh

signing off.


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