Hi blog.
its been a million years.
and im paying you the homage you so deserve.
this of course is the marvelous culmination.
procrastination. laziness.
and veri lil time since life has changed.
the ability to write crap has like.
vanished or something to that effect.
and life has taken on a much more serious disposition.
At least not by the comments of my new colleagues anyway.
Example 1
"You know, I've always been a lil uptight.
and serious till i decided to let it go.
then i realized how much fun you're having
all the time..
Example 2:
"Lately i've become more animated in my speech.
I think its you.."
Of course animated might involve hitting me.
or hitting on me wahhahahahahha.
any how. im committed to the notion.
that i am shy. and reserved. so there~
Works cool, and God's cool.
Largely i give thanks I've been held up.
and let down.
in promises made by men and in expectations.
but His grace has been sufficient.
and i am thankful.
Its been an exceptionally different 3 months.
that people whom you think you might not see again.
re-appear in your life.
that you learn to appreciate family and
friends much more.
that the best things in life. are free.
hehehe like mp3's ;p;p;p
sorry can't stay serious for long.
So here's a time line of events since i last blogged.
like since October ;p
Settled into the new workplace nicely.
I'm playing WOW. Thats a big WOW.
thanks to 2C and 2B whom have been great.
Began a power meet every week.
Guitar Heres.PS3.Justin's nad Marzuki.
Vibes Restaurant.The Barracks.
KPI hit for the quarter.AC Hon.
Arrowed to perform for company D&D.
Arrowed to carol in the office.
Reviews and more reviews for the team.
News that what's promised might not come to pass.
Had a nice dinner at Zen.
Fellowshipped and sharing.
DND. Gay blue shirt. and lots of photos.
Made resolutions for the new year.
Talked about getting a flat. Subsidies.
Bowled with the now defunct Studygroup.
Club Morte. Where we club Morte literally.
I now have B.O. and no its not body Odor.
Lunch with the other other sis.
Sim called. Very very pleasant surprise.
"Hello i got a msg from this number, who are you"
"Its Me."
"Who's meeee?"
*drum roll*
"Its Sim"
wahhhhhhhh lol time to call for studygroup outing.
Awaiting. We'll settle the lunch next week first.
Comforting Chris.
He will lay you down on green pastures.
Trust in the Rock for He is our refuge.
Then i Realized i haven't blogged for ages.
or have been reminded that i haven't blogged. ;p
Looking at the above. Life wasn't that bad lol..
Lots of bowling. Good food.
Nice Braun wallet. New earphones.
Burst credit card bills on food.
Financially tight periods.
The annual Christmas dinner.With Chris's friends.
Cookout with D2.MJ.D3.Ans.Chris.JX.YZ.SZ.
Chicken stuffed with Sharks fin.
Salmon. Maguro Sushis.Tempura.He-Bi Rice.
And a huge kitchen mess cum shopping mess ;p
Gets quieter every year.
Think its age. and this year.
nobody lost their pants.
Thank you all for coming and helping.
It makes every years wait worth it.
And im looking forward to the next.
So goodbye to 07.
Its going to be a good year in 08.
And so for every year ahead.
I look forward.
to better relationships with my family.
my friends.
and my other half.
i pray.
the house will be neat.
i'll have my home cooked food.
we'll work things out always.
and we'll remember. L is:
Patience. Kindness.
Not proud. Not boastful. Endures.
And we'll constantly want to better ourselves.
Of not for ourselves.
but as Children called to greater things.
To be wiser.
To speak in wisdom.
To seek grace.
To walk upright.
To be willing.
TO receive what is given.
To lack what is withheld.
To relinquish what is taken.
To suffer if inflicted.
To be what is required.
And to do what we were sent for.
So i end this long awaited post with photos.
and quotes:

the new toy with the spider ><

the Cabana. its been a long time ;)

Christmas week breakfast at Swiss Beckerie.

the beheading ^^

happy pigs to the slaughter.

comfort food at Zen Restaurant.

Boss pigeon and its minions.

the new IN hairstyles at Chinatown with the family.

how X-Men got their logo.

another eye sore on the road.


Johnson.Chris.Me at sushi.

God-sis and Jap food At circular rd.

psychosis waiting for a table outside Timbre.

DND with the RCB peeps =)

my team mates!

Me and J.O

D & D. No pun intended.
Club Morte P.K.A Studygroup

dinner at vibes and barracks.
Photos by Tal. Taken from QY at www.Sheylara.com
So these are the photos for the months.
Quote of the month:
A: Have you shared with me your photos of the DND?
B: I've tagged you on facebook bro =)
A: I know but have you uploaded your photos to your thumb?
B: I've tagged you on facebook bro =|
A: I KnoW but have you shared with me your photos yet?
B: .................. wtf...........
Thank you all who have made 2007.
A great year.
Family and Friends.
Mucho appreciated and thankful for the laughter.
And the tears.
Many more fruitful eventful years ahead!!!
Adam Sandler - Grow old with you.
"I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you
Ill get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you
I'll miss you
I'll kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
I'll need you
I'll feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you"
Let's go strong into another year baby =)
Signing off.
its been a million years.
and im paying you the homage you so deserve.
this of course is the marvelous culmination.
procrastination. laziness.
and veri lil time since life has changed.
the ability to write crap has like.
vanished or something to that effect.
and life has taken on a much more serious disposition.
At least not by the comments of my new colleagues anyway.
Example 1
"You know, I've always been a lil uptight.
and serious till i decided to let it go.
then i realized how much fun you're having
all the time..
Example 2:
"Lately i've become more animated in my speech.
I think its you.."
Of course animated might involve hitting me.
or hitting on me wahhahahahahha.
any how. im committed to the notion.
that i am shy. and reserved. so there~
Works cool, and God's cool.
Largely i give thanks I've been held up.
and let down.
in promises made by men and in expectations.
but His grace has been sufficient.
and i am thankful.
Its been an exceptionally different 3 months.
that people whom you think you might not see again.
re-appear in your life.
that you learn to appreciate family and
friends much more.
that the best things in life. are free.
hehehe like mp3's ;p;p;p
sorry can't stay serious for long.
So here's a time line of events since i last blogged.
like since October ;p
Settled into the new workplace nicely.
I'm playing WOW. Thats a big WOW.
thanks to 2C and 2B whom have been great.
Began a power meet every week.
Guitar Heres.PS3.Justin's nad Marzuki.
Vibes Restaurant.The Barracks.
KPI hit for the quarter.AC Hon.
Arrowed to perform for company D&D.
Arrowed to carol in the office.
Reviews and more reviews for the team.
News that what's promised might not come to pass.
Had a nice dinner at Zen.
Fellowshipped and sharing.
DND. Gay blue shirt. and lots of photos.
Made resolutions for the new year.
Talked about getting a flat. Subsidies.
Bowled with the now defunct Studygroup.
Club Morte. Where we club Morte literally.
I now have B.O. and no its not body Odor.
Lunch with the other other sis.
Sim called. Very very pleasant surprise.
"Hello i got a msg from this number, who are you"
"Its Me."
"Who's meeee?"
*drum roll*
"Its Sim"
wahhhhhhhh lol time to call for studygroup outing.
Awaiting. We'll settle the lunch next week first.
Comforting Chris.
He will lay you down on green pastures.
Trust in the Rock for He is our refuge.
Then i Realized i haven't blogged for ages.
or have been reminded that i haven't blogged. ;p
Looking at the above. Life wasn't that bad lol..
Lots of bowling. Good food.
Nice Braun wallet. New earphones.
Burst credit card bills on food.
Financially tight periods.
The annual Christmas dinner.With Chris's friends.
Cookout with D2.MJ.D3.Ans.Chris.JX.YZ.SZ.
Chicken stuffed with Sharks fin.
Salmon. Maguro Sushis.Tempura.He-Bi Rice.
And a huge kitchen mess cum shopping mess ;p
Gets quieter every year.
Think its age. and this year.
nobody lost their pants.
Thank you all for coming and helping.
It makes every years wait worth it.
And im looking forward to the next.
So goodbye to 07.
Its going to be a good year in 08.
And so for every year ahead.
I look forward.
to better relationships with my family.
my friends.
and my other half.
i pray.
the house will be neat.
i'll have my home cooked food.
we'll work things out always.
and we'll remember. L is:
Patience. Kindness.
Not proud. Not boastful. Endures.
And we'll constantly want to better ourselves.
Of not for ourselves.
but as Children called to greater things.
To be wiser.
To speak in wisdom.
To seek grace.
To walk upright.
To be willing.
TO receive what is given.
To lack what is withheld.
To relinquish what is taken.
To suffer if inflicted.
To be what is required.
And to do what we were sent for.
So i end this long awaited post with photos.
and quotes:
the new toy with the spider ><
the Cabana. its been a long time ;)
Christmas week breakfast at Swiss Beckerie.
the beheading ^^
happy pigs to the slaughter.
comfort food at Zen Restaurant.
Boss pigeon and its minions.
the new IN hairstyles at Chinatown with the family.
how X-Men got their logo.
another eye sore on the road.
Johnson.Chris.Me at sushi.
God-sis and Jap food At circular rd.
psychosis waiting for a table outside Timbre.
DND with the RCB peeps =)
my team mates!
Me and J.O
D & D. No pun intended.
Club Morte P.K.A Studygroup
dinner at vibes and barracks.
Photos by Tal. Taken from QY at www.Sheylara.com
So these are the photos for the months.
Quote of the month:
A: Have you shared with me your photos of the DND?
B: I've tagged you on facebook bro =)
A: I know but have you uploaded your photos to your thumb?
B: I've tagged you on facebook bro =|
A: I KnoW but have you shared with me your photos yet?
B: .................. wtf...........
Thank you all who have made 2007.
A great year.
Family and Friends.
Mucho appreciated and thankful for the laughter.
And the tears.
Many more fruitful eventful years ahead!!!
Adam Sandler - Grow old with you.
"I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you
Ill get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you
I'll miss you
I'll kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
I'll need you
I'll feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you"
Let's go strong into another year baby =)
Signing off.