HappY BirthdaE Sweet 16!!! hur hur hur..

This is chris.Which is also the other half.
And Sis1's bdae just went by too~!!! *clap clap clap*
think the Stork works harder in Jan ;p
Will be heading for dinner shortly with her and will post.
the pics in due course.
Back to the post proper.
To celebrate this joyous occasion.
The blog skin has moved on!!
And this blog change will be dedicated to.
Her aka Chris aka missus! =)
(So much for inexpensive prezzies ;p;p;p)
So anyway.
After years of asking people:
"Are you broke?"
I've stopped probing into people's financial woes.
(cuz im mired i them too? ><)
and decided on this simple blog skin. hur hur.
More like lazy to edit HTML for a customized look
Ever again :p
That in life.
We want things comprehensible.easy.dummyproof.
Simple.And less boring.
Excuses to want to change a blog skin:
1) "Guess its like getting a hair cut on bad days."
2) "Its my girlfriend's birthday. hehe..hehe.."
3) "The old HTML was developing holes so i got a new code"
4) "My sis make me do"
SO i took urgent leave today to send the matriarch.
to the doctor.
the symptoms were: 前吐后泄.
aka. makan poisoning.
but shes fine now =)
and that left me with half a day to decide if i wanted.
to change this blog's skin.
so there.
and also.
met sim for lunch. ramen at china square.
its been a long while. :p

Sis1's birthday at T3.
with the family. and it was 店小二.
Food glorious food~!!!
With Errrr Swensens. I mean.
Earle Swensens with a Swensen's Special Cake.
the Challengers are back from the UK.

Dinner with d2.mj.matt.yw.chris.

a very random pic of boxing people into a parking lot.
we live in a highly gracious and considerate society.
i rest my case.
signing off.
HappY BirthdaE Sweet 16!!! hur hur hur..
This is chris.Which is also the other half.
And Sis1's bdae just went by too~!!! *clap clap clap*
think the Stork works harder in Jan ;p
Will be heading for dinner shortly with her and will post.
the pics in due course.
Back to the post proper.
To celebrate this joyous occasion.
The blog skin has moved on!!
And this blog change will be dedicated to.
Her aka Chris aka missus! =)
(So much for inexpensive prezzies ;p;p;p)
So anyway.
After years of asking people:
"Are you broke?"
I've stopped probing into people's financial woes.
(cuz im mired i them too? ><)
and decided on this simple blog skin. hur hur.
More like lazy to edit HTML for a customized look
Ever again :p
That in life.
We want things comprehensible.easy.dummyproof.
Simple.And less boring.
Excuses to want to change a blog skin:
1) "Guess its like getting a hair cut on bad days."
2) "Its my girlfriend's birthday. hehe..hehe.."
3) "The old HTML was developing holes so i got a new code"
4) "My sis make me do"
SO i took urgent leave today to send the matriarch.
to the doctor.
the symptoms were: 前吐后泄.
aka. makan poisoning.
but shes fine now =)
and that left me with half a day to decide if i wanted.
to change this blog's skin.
so there.
and also.
met sim for lunch. ramen at china square.
its been a long while. :p
Sis1's birthday at T3.
with the family. and it was 店小二.
Food glorious food~!!!
With Errrr Swensens. I mean.
Earle Swensens with a Swensen's Special Cake.
the Challengers are back from the UK.
Dinner with d2.mj.matt.yw.chris.
a very random pic of boxing people into a parking lot.
we live in a highly gracious and considerate society.
i rest my case.
signing off.