Musings on a Quiet Weekend
Hey hey hey!
Im blogging like 3 times at least already in Nov.
And its such a rare occurrence.
since student life ended.
its been a good weekend.
but i've kinda spent the week pondering about morality.
sexual morality.
and how its been around the people I've heard.
and spoken to.
especially with regard to being chaste.
and the greying of moral boundaries.
i begin with people who do not seem to understand.
that sex and dating do not necessarily go hand in hand.
and that holding out til marriage is a perfectly.
acceptable behaviour and should be the way things work.
this arises from a biblical perspective.
and in fact is.
an essential fundamental of traditional society.
yesterday. today. and in the future.
where constant debate between religious bodies.
and ever increasing liberation-minded bodies do not meet in between.
but in the rising torrent of lax guidelines.
in the media.
the rush of information on the internet.
and the subscription of pop culture.
as made popular by western media.
norms change.
people change.
and it become a struggle sometimes to fit in.
especially for the people that THINK they have moved on.
and discovered a whole new level of thinking.
and living. and being free to just do whatever they like.
cuz its "one life that we have."
Sounds familiar? =p
don't get me wrong.
this is not a flame post.
nor is this a post to impose my view on others.
but to add another perspective about possibilities.
i wonder about the greying of moral lines.
because it has become normal to accept a loss of virginity.
before the age of 18. or high school.
they could even do a musical on it.
even lyrics tell you "we could do it.
like they do on the discovery channel."
i ponder about why people cannot accept and believe.
that its possible.
no hanky panky happens when a couple stay together before marriage.
when we're ultimately responsible for our own actions.
and are active agents of the choices we make.
and not by some hormone driven impulse.
"that allows a specie to sustain itself".
is it an insecurity where:
"if im grey. i hope the world is too?"
"since im not sure. lets make sure everyone else is like me.
then im good to go.
cuz im with it. and the squares ain't there yet.
but. they'll be.
i'm so sure. comeon.... everyone does it....right?"
if people seek consensus to reassure themselves.
for issues that have been debated and derided at for years.
then i think deep down inside.
they're doubting themselves. and what they really stand for.
and if that's the case.
they should really ask why they think the way they think.
and why they do and say the things they do.
before going on a crusade to grey the world too.
We acknowledge alternate standards exist.
and that "easier" standards are convenient.
and easier to propagate and live by.
quickies don't hurt. live and feel ya?
balderdash and utter nonsense...
i'm sure a good lot of people.
simply beg to differ.
though "non-conformity" today.
is taken as being with the times and being IT.
but when being avant-garde comes at a compromise.
and that compromise leads to a derision of others.
in a bid to reassure an esteem.
that's fundamentally flawed.
then we begin to have an issue.
then i can only feel sad and sorry.
and hope such misguided thoughts be put straight.
people make mistakes.
and if its guilt that's trapping someone.
in repeating whatever he does over and over.
just face up to it and move on.
if its loosing oneself.
to sensuality that one derives meaning from ones existence.
then its not a very note-worthy existence to begin with.
since its all about instant gratification and self.
For a broken generation.
the only solution is Love.
that surpasses all understanding.
that opens ears to things not heard.
and eyes not seen.
For the sick need healing.
and the weak need help.
Let's love well, and live right.
So i end the not so heavy thoughts above and.
move on to the weeks events!
Its been fun to say the least though tiring.
rushing the reviews for the year end.
company events.
basketball and music and friends.
archery at work. arrows anyone? ;p
people coming and leaving.
good news amidst the financial crisis.
and im so proud of my baby! :)
chicken rice at Boon Tong Kee.
Chilli with rice and chicken more like it.
and Adrianus.CY.CL.
KTV with the emo.
at the 10 dollar club.
lunches with Stanley at thai smiles.
Fusion-oh-so-good food at Mosque St.
with Adr.T. and me.
talking with d2 by the car.
with a drizzle.
Realising God put me in Raffles place.
so chris can have lunch.
and quite abit of cam-whoring ;p
That sometimes things can't be understood.
cause we're not perfect.
that reaching out and be a support.
counts for more than fellowship.
that facades unveiled.
can lead to terrible truths.
but knowledge with appropriate action.
is like a stitch in time that saves nine.
so the CG had steamboat at 辣妹子 on Fri.
after my buffet due to a privilege banking event.
we had an earthquake. and a brownie.
that missing peeps have replied.
and i look forward to December when everyone's much freer.
cuz i miss u guys.
i finally went to dragonfly for once.
with chris.jq.alex.ziyang.
and had a few of the biggest laughs in my life.
and realized the world's damn small.
too many familiar faces.
in the span of a small space.
but its all good.
Here's the pics!

the bent tea spoon on a sunday afternoon lunch.

don't even ask ;p

another snipe at the financial crisis and derivatives.

real life story of a judge sleeping frequently.
in hearings.

i've never heard of a good flu before heh heh.

superb thai olive fried rice.
even more superb chilli padi *drool*

the brolly on the way back from D2's.
Taste Restaurant pics:

Superb carrot cake.

fusion dishes of scallop.wasabi prawn.sausages.
in charsiew sauce.

Buddha Jump over the fence.
a smaller version of the wall.

Goose web :)

pan seared cod in teriyaki sauce.

soba with scallops~

sea-coconut and papaya desert.
someone couldn't stop playing with the dry ice ;p

a burnt down bike somewhere in chinatown.

"Emo Emo....喝酒,喝酒.."

chris's enhancements to the breakfast buns ;p

the chicken rice 4.

the Boon Tong Kee Trip. Fruitful and happy.
we also have the chilli dishes to prove it.

10 dishes of chilli to be precise ;p

Singapore's most "帅" Restaurant near River Valley Road.

Christmas at Bugis.

deodorant advert that never fails to amuse me.
i can imagine vandals adding 发菜 to the pics bwahahhaha

my new snow boots :)

i heard the car screaming: "为什么主人要这么对我!!"

the grass lawns at Expo during SITEC weekend.

My birgin trip to DragonFly ;p
we met Kembanagan Adrian there.. nuff said.

that wonderful kway chap at old airport.
from Blanco court. Ooolala~~~~
Quotes of the week:
"Citi shares traded at $50 last Friday.
Today, its $3.70.
Has the Citi that never sleeps been put to sleep?"
Smile: It increases your face value!
While ordering a Caramello Almondo Drink from TCC.
Waitress: "Would you like to add a scoop of ice cream
to your drink to make it nice?" *million dollar smile*
X:"You mean its not nice without the ice cream?"
Waitress: ?!
Im blogging like 3 times at least already in Nov.
And its such a rare occurrence.
since student life ended.
its been a good weekend.
but i've kinda spent the week pondering about morality.
sexual morality.
and how its been around the people I've heard.
and spoken to.
especially with regard to being chaste.
and the greying of moral boundaries.
i begin with people who do not seem to understand.
that sex and dating do not necessarily go hand in hand.
and that holding out til marriage is a perfectly.
acceptable behaviour and should be the way things work.
this arises from a biblical perspective.
and in fact is.
an essential fundamental of traditional society.
yesterday. today. and in the future.
where constant debate between religious bodies.
and ever increasing liberation-minded bodies do not meet in between.
but in the rising torrent of lax guidelines.
in the media.
the rush of information on the internet.
and the subscription of pop culture.
as made popular by western media.
norms change.
people change.
and it become a struggle sometimes to fit in.
especially for the people that THINK they have moved on.
and discovered a whole new level of thinking.
and living. and being free to just do whatever they like.
cuz its "one life that we have."
Sounds familiar? =p
don't get me wrong.
this is not a flame post.
nor is this a post to impose my view on others.
but to add another perspective about possibilities.
i wonder about the greying of moral lines.
because it has become normal to accept a loss of virginity.
before the age of 18. or high school.
they could even do a musical on it.
even lyrics tell you "we could do it.
like they do on the discovery channel."
i ponder about why people cannot accept and believe.
that its possible.
no hanky panky happens when a couple stay together before marriage.
when we're ultimately responsible for our own actions.
and are active agents of the choices we make.
and not by some hormone driven impulse.
"that allows a specie to sustain itself".
is it an insecurity where:
"if im grey. i hope the world is too?"
"since im not sure. lets make sure everyone else is like me.
then im good to go.
cuz im with it. and the squares ain't there yet.
but. they'll be.
i'm so sure. comeon.... everyone does it....right?"
if people seek consensus to reassure themselves.
for issues that have been debated and derided at for years.
then i think deep down inside.
they're doubting themselves. and what they really stand for.
and if that's the case.
they should really ask why they think the way they think.
and why they do and say the things they do.
before going on a crusade to grey the world too.
We acknowledge alternate standards exist.
and that "easier" standards are convenient.
and easier to propagate and live by.
quickies don't hurt. live and feel ya?
balderdash and utter nonsense...
i'm sure a good lot of people.
simply beg to differ.
though "non-conformity" today.
is taken as being with the times and being IT.
but when being avant-garde comes at a compromise.
and that compromise leads to a derision of others.
in a bid to reassure an esteem.
that's fundamentally flawed.
then we begin to have an issue.
then i can only feel sad and sorry.
and hope such misguided thoughts be put straight.
people make mistakes.
and if its guilt that's trapping someone.
in repeating whatever he does over and over.
just face up to it and move on.
if its loosing oneself.
to sensuality that one derives meaning from ones existence.
then its not a very note-worthy existence to begin with.
since its all about instant gratification and self.
For a broken generation.
the only solution is Love.
that surpasses all understanding.
that opens ears to things not heard.
and eyes not seen.
For the sick need healing.
and the weak need help.
Let's love well, and live right.
So i end the not so heavy thoughts above and.
move on to the weeks events!
Its been fun to say the least though tiring.
rushing the reviews for the year end.
company events.
basketball and music and friends.
archery at work. arrows anyone? ;p
people coming and leaving.
good news amidst the financial crisis.
and im so proud of my baby! :)
chicken rice at Boon Tong Kee.
Chilli with rice and chicken more like it.
and Adrianus.CY.CL.
KTV with the emo.
at the 10 dollar club.
lunches with Stanley at thai smiles.
Fusion-oh-so-good food at Mosque St.
with Adr.T. and me.
talking with d2 by the car.
with a drizzle.
Realising God put me in Raffles place.
so chris can have lunch.
and quite abit of cam-whoring ;p
That sometimes things can't be understood.
cause we're not perfect.
that reaching out and be a support.
counts for more than fellowship.
that facades unveiled.
can lead to terrible truths.
but knowledge with appropriate action.
is like a stitch in time that saves nine.
so the CG had steamboat at 辣妹子 on Fri.
after my buffet due to a privilege banking event.
we had an earthquake. and a brownie.
that missing peeps have replied.
and i look forward to December when everyone's much freer.
cuz i miss u guys.
i finally went to dragonfly for once.
with chris.jq.alex.ziyang.
and had a few of the biggest laughs in my life.
and realized the world's damn small.
too many familiar faces.
in the span of a small space.
but its all good.
Here's the pics!
the bent tea spoon on a sunday afternoon lunch.
don't even ask ;p
another snipe at the financial crisis and derivatives.
real life story of a judge sleeping frequently.
in hearings.
i've never heard of a good flu before heh heh.
superb thai olive fried rice.
even more superb chilli padi *drool*
the brolly on the way back from D2's.
Taste Restaurant pics:
Superb carrot cake.
fusion dishes of scallop.wasabi prawn.sausages.
in charsiew sauce.
Buddha Jump over the fence.
a smaller version of the wall.
Goose web :)
pan seared cod in teriyaki sauce.
soba with scallops~
sea-coconut and papaya desert.
someone couldn't stop playing with the dry ice ;p
a burnt down bike somewhere in chinatown.
"Emo Emo....喝酒,喝酒.."
chris's enhancements to the breakfast buns ;p
the chicken rice 4.
the Boon Tong Kee Trip. Fruitful and happy.
we also have the chilli dishes to prove it.
10 dishes of chilli to be precise ;p
Singapore's most "帅" Restaurant near River Valley Road.
Christmas at Bugis.
deodorant advert that never fails to amuse me.
i can imagine vandals adding 发菜 to the pics bwahahhaha
my new snow boots :)
i heard the car screaming: "为什么主人要这么对我!!"
the grass lawns at Expo during SITEC weekend.
My birgin trip to DragonFly ;p
we met Kembanagan Adrian there.. nuff said.
that wonderful kway chap at old airport.
from Blanco court. Ooolala~~~~
Quotes of the week:
"Citi shares traded at $50 last Friday.
Today, its $3.70.
Has the Citi that never sleeps been put to sleep?"
Smile: It increases your face value!
While ordering a Caramello Almondo Drink from TCC.
Waitress: "Would you like to add a scoop of ice cream
to your drink to make it nice?" *million dollar smile*
X:"You mean its not nice without the ice cream?"
Waitress: ?!
Blog ON~!!!