its been a short while
Hi blog.
Its been a short time since i last logged in.
wasn't that bad was it?
i mean.
no one scrawling on your screen.
adding new fonts to your countenance.
no one thinking of giving you a facelift by changing your skin.
everything's so easy with plastic nowadays.
best of all.
no one putting pictures on you.
so that you can say a thousand words.
(which is really alot to say if you ask me)
so sorry to disturb your solitude.
a thousand apologies.
now that the apologies have been apologized.
i no longer feel apologetic anymore.
so let this post formally begin with:
Happy New Year 2009!
Happy Baby Shower to Matt and Wen!!
Happy Birthday to Babu 2009!
Happy Birthday Sis1!!
Happy CNY 2009 to everyone!
And Happy Valentine's Day in advance!
(just in case i don't blog about it, doesn't mean i don't care about it)
I know i'm shortchanging whoever comes in to this web space.
but you're looking at an author who just knocked off at 10pm.
so there~
My Music.
Its a year of new directions.
Especially in my music.
When the new Webbie is up i'll post it here.
Myspace here i come~
I love my FP10.
and thank you to the peeps who have made music more fun.
I love my MM8.
It sits in a corner everyday reminding me i love animals.
elephants. especially white ones... :p
The Line6 amp rocks big time.
i'm sure my neighbor hates it much.
the Mixers coming handy.
and i'm going to miss my Lexicon Lambda.
May you serve your new owner well.
(i think i'm gonna cry....)
I need a new electric guitar..
but i don't have electric fingers to play them with.
But i do have an electric shaver...
somehow... i don't recall having electric facial hair..
My Gadgets.
My phone went to the hospital.
For a manufacturing fault i thought was a design.
Funny how i told my Dad earlier i'm going senile.
My PC is feeling outdated to.
Lucky my wallet looks older and shabbier.
My Sports.
Bball is the new In.
Mondays with the UOB peeps.
Saturdays with the KCC peeps.
Wednesday is the desperate attempt to lose weight via running.
(psss its not working...)
but we never give up do we?
Of all the longest wars and battles fought...
the Battle of the Bulge takes the cake~
3 cheers to weighing scales that make us happier.
and Booze that makes us slimmer ;p
My Job.
I've been in my first job for more than 2.5 yrs now.
Its quite a record already.
And i'm still broke.
Funny how people put money in a Bank.
So technically, people put money with Bankers.
So Bankers shouldn't be Broke.
i think.
those people must have put the money with someone else.
but not me.
and i'm sure alot of other bankers feel the same.
where did all that money go? *bah...humbug*
My Life.
I'm seeing more frown lines.
to be optimistic, i mean laugh lines.
I'm getting jollier. (no prizes for guessing)
we've let go of the flat in Punggol.
and we're hoping to get a nice resale nearer to home.
nothing beats the east~! no offence to the westies and northerners.
咱们东方人最棒!! lol....
i realize i'm not getting any younger.
though 24 is such a nice age to be.
I've enjoyed it 3 times over by 2009.
so i pray for the a stronger back.
to shoulder the challenges ahead as a person.
as a friend. as a lover. and as a Christian.
My Significant other.
We're moving to the 3rd year of us.
and i still love you as much yesterday.
and today.
and i hope you'll let me love you.
every tomorrow we have together.
My even more significant Other.
God is still ever so important.
and that being Christian is being as Chinese as one can get.
Nuff said...
My Friends.
Friends are for seasons.
A season to play. A season to pray.
A season to share. A season to care.
A season to part. A season to grief.
and at some point in time. we'll cross paths again.
for some reason or another.
i pray for all the people i've met.
and shared my life with.
every up and down. it was worth it.
My Colleagues.
That i am thankful.
That you guys have made my life beautiful.
you guys know who you are.
even without knowing it. you all have impacted me.
and i'm glad i am where i am.
sharing this time since August 08.
enjoy the eggs and lets build some bridges yo~
My Family.
Taiwan. Lots of food and shopping.
Still more food and shopping.
Massages and Bubble teas~
2 lovely sisters who are a bundle of Joy.
Wanna thank the Patriarch and Matriarch for their unconditional love.
Their generosity.
and the upbringing i've been given.
that they've given more than they thought they could.
because we're their children.
and you guys will be the example i live by.
to raise my own someday.
Thank you Mum and Dad~!
To all that's made it this far....
i must highlight i didn't even intend for a lengthy post.
but its a Pringles moment..
once you pop... you can't stop.....
just to proof i'm still crappy in real life.
here's a sample of what i do that's true to life...

here's a photo update of life so far:

Taiwan 2009. The mugger look is in~

gotta love their English.

Genting with Chris.Sis1.Sis2.Bob.Fish. Find the weird faces~

i think im in trouble ;p

The Nandos Affair....... the waiters never had a chance..

my ever so messy studio/room....

Party with the CG. spot the PJ's ;p

Christmas Breakfast (*ahem* lunch) at our Favorite Bakery~

never never play with your food at a reunion dinner...

Choice Pork ramen with Hadrianus. U didn't see the beer in the back.

The Baby shower~!

The 3 stooges at Butterfly Ave.

The Missus's Bdae cake. Before and After.
So i end this post with drooping eyelids and a hungry tummy.
i really should have cooked that packet of Mee Goreng.....
why didn't i succumb to greediness....
Signing Off....
*Tummy Growl~*
Its been a short time since i last logged in.
wasn't that bad was it?
i mean.
no one scrawling on your screen.
adding new fonts to your countenance.
no one thinking of giving you a facelift by changing your skin.
everything's so easy with plastic nowadays.
best of all.
no one putting pictures on you.
so that you can say a thousand words.
(which is really alot to say if you ask me)
so sorry to disturb your solitude.
a thousand apologies.
now that the apologies have been apologized.
i no longer feel apologetic anymore.
so let this post formally begin with:
Happy New Year 2009!
Happy Baby Shower to Matt and Wen!!
Happy Birthday to Babu 2009!
Happy Birthday Sis1!!
Happy CNY 2009 to everyone!
And Happy Valentine's Day in advance!
(just in case i don't blog about it, doesn't mean i don't care about it)
I know i'm shortchanging whoever comes in to this web space.
but you're looking at an author who just knocked off at 10pm.
so there~
My Music.
Its a year of new directions.
Especially in my music.
When the new Webbie is up i'll post it here.
Myspace here i come~
I love my FP10.
and thank you to the peeps who have made music more fun.
I love my MM8.
It sits in a corner everyday reminding me i love animals.
elephants. especially white ones... :p
The Line6 amp rocks big time.
i'm sure my neighbor hates it much.
the Mixers coming handy.
and i'm going to miss my Lexicon Lambda.
May you serve your new owner well.
(i think i'm gonna cry....)
I need a new electric guitar..
but i don't have electric fingers to play them with.
But i do have an electric shaver...
somehow... i don't recall having electric facial hair..
My Gadgets.
My phone went to the hospital.
For a manufacturing fault i thought was a design.
Funny how i told my Dad earlier i'm going senile.
My PC is feeling outdated to.
Lucky my wallet looks older and shabbier.
My Sports.
Bball is the new In.
Mondays with the UOB peeps.
Saturdays with the KCC peeps.
Wednesday is the desperate attempt to lose weight via running.
(psss its not working...)
but we never give up do we?
Of all the longest wars and battles fought...
the Battle of the Bulge takes the cake~
3 cheers to weighing scales that make us happier.
and Booze that makes us slimmer ;p
My Job.
I've been in my first job for more than 2.5 yrs now.
Its quite a record already.
And i'm still broke.
Funny how people put money in a Bank.
So technically, people put money with Bankers.
So Bankers shouldn't be Broke.
i think.
those people must have put the money with someone else.
but not me.
and i'm sure alot of other bankers feel the same.
where did all that money go? *bah...humbug*
My Life.
I'm seeing more frown lines.
to be optimistic, i mean laugh lines.
I'm getting jollier. (no prizes for guessing)
we've let go of the flat in Punggol.
and we're hoping to get a nice resale nearer to home.
nothing beats the east~! no offence to the westies and northerners.
咱们东方人最棒!! lol....
i realize i'm not getting any younger.
though 24 is such a nice age to be.
I've enjoyed it 3 times over by 2009.
so i pray for the a stronger back.
to shoulder the challenges ahead as a person.
as a friend. as a lover. and as a Christian.
My Significant other.
We're moving to the 3rd year of us.
and i still love you as much yesterday.
and today.
and i hope you'll let me love you.
every tomorrow we have together.
My even more significant Other.
God is still ever so important.
and that being Christian is being as Chinese as one can get.
Nuff said...
My Friends.
Friends are for seasons.
A season to play. A season to pray.
A season to share. A season to care.
A season to part. A season to grief.
and at some point in time. we'll cross paths again.
for some reason or another.
i pray for all the people i've met.
and shared my life with.
every up and down. it was worth it.
My Colleagues.
That i am thankful.
That you guys have made my life beautiful.
you guys know who you are.
even without knowing it. you all have impacted me.
and i'm glad i am where i am.
sharing this time since August 08.
enjoy the eggs and lets build some bridges yo~
My Family.
Taiwan. Lots of food and shopping.
Still more food and shopping.
Massages and Bubble teas~
2 lovely sisters who are a bundle of Joy.
Wanna thank the Patriarch and Matriarch for their unconditional love.
Their generosity.
and the upbringing i've been given.
that they've given more than they thought they could.
because we're their children.
and you guys will be the example i live by.
to raise my own someday.
Thank you Mum and Dad~!
To all that's made it this far....
i must highlight i didn't even intend for a lengthy post.
but its a Pringles moment..
once you pop... you can't stop.....
just to proof i'm still crappy in real life.
here's a sample of what i do that's true to life...
here's a photo update of life so far:
Taiwan 2009. The mugger look is in~
gotta love their English.
Genting with Chris.Sis1.Sis2.Bob.Fish. Find the weird faces~
i think im in trouble ;p
The Nandos Affair....... the waiters never had a chance..
my ever so messy studio/room....
Party with the CG. spot the PJ's ;p
Christmas Breakfast (*ahem* lunch) at our Favorite Bakery~
never never play with your food at a reunion dinner...
Choice Pork ramen with Hadrianus. U didn't see the beer in the back.
The Baby shower~!
The 3 stooges at Butterfly Ave.
The Missus's Bdae cake. Before and After.
So i end this post with drooping eyelids and a hungry tummy.
i really should have cooked that packet of Mee Goreng.....
why didn't i succumb to greediness....
Signing Off....
*Tummy Growl~*