Fried Chicken and Fried Eggs

I coughed my lungs out at work.

and laughed them out again during dinner.


If fried chicken = 炸鸡

Then what's a fried egg?

Somebody answered:




!!!~~~~ 炸蛋 ~~~~!!! (炸彈)


Totally made my dreary day more bearable.

Signing off.



slegna said…
die. actually i don't understand this joke. ZA DAN very funny meh?
how... am i a retard... sob sob.

btw, love the new layout!
Dee aka D1 said…
its wordplay :) then again lameness happens to be a language im very conversant with hahahahaha so its not u ;p as for the layout, thanks! was getting bored of the old one too haaa hang in there and we'll see you soon~~~!!!

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