The Wife's Bdae: Journal Entry 2010
January 18, Monday. Leave.
Clinic.Vivo.Running all over the place looking for ATM.
free movie. Asian Kitchen. Amazing dumplings.
Even more amazing company.
And a very wonderful evening just spending time.
With one another capped off with some
Fei Fei noodles.

And so another birthday has passed!
my hamster is now 25 :)
according to scientific research
and i'm the researcher;
Specimen: Mous'eAngChristinaestes ZiweI:
This breed of hamsters
lasts a very long time as a pet and
make good partners in life to love,
to cuddle, and to hold.
assuming i live to 98
i still have another 70 more birthdays
to spend with this mouse
and i'm looking forward to everyone of them as
they come to pass.
i'm typing now with cough syrup in my body so
you know that this is true love.
i really feel, after marriage,
that the best gift.
to a loved one;
is a gift of undivided time and attention.
i.e. no TV and computer games or comic books.
but pure undivided time just to bond.
to hold. walk around the world.
converse. and just be with one another.
and you know the time spent.
will be made history etched into our minds.
every passing second we walk on this earth.
i'm thankful i have yours, and you have mine.
Thank you God for placing a hammie
so beautiful in my life.
i've celebrated all my birthdays
at once having her as my lovely wedded mouse.
We've taken the liberty as a couple
to Jazz up our lives
with the introduction of a new commitment
on our wallets ;p

The freedom it brings
is amazing.
Now lets work harder to feed this hungry baby.
I call it preparation to be a parent~
Signing Off
Clinic.Vivo.Running all over the place looking for ATM.
free movie. Asian Kitchen. Amazing dumplings.
Even more amazing company.
And a very wonderful evening just spending time.
With one another capped off with some
Fei Fei noodles.
And so another birthday has passed!
my hamster is now 25 :)
according to scientific research
and i'm the researcher;
Specimen: Mous'eAngChristinaestes ZiweI:
This breed of hamsters
lasts a very long time as a pet and
make good partners in life to love,
to cuddle, and to hold.
assuming i live to 98
i still have another 70 more birthdays
to spend with this mouse
and i'm looking forward to everyone of them as
they come to pass.
i'm typing now with cough syrup in my body so
you know that this is true love.
i really feel, after marriage,
that the best gift.
to a loved one;
is a gift of undivided time and attention.
i.e. no TV and computer games or comic books.
but pure undivided time just to bond.
to hold. walk around the world.
converse. and just be with one another.
and you know the time spent.
will be made history etched into our minds.
every passing second we walk on this earth.
i'm thankful i have yours, and you have mine.
Thank you God for placing a hammie
so beautiful in my life.
i've celebrated all my birthdays
at once having her as my lovely wedded mouse.
We've taken the liberty as a couple
to Jazz up our lives
with the introduction of a new commitment
on our wallets ;p
The freedom it brings
is amazing.
Now lets work harder to feed this hungry baby.
I call it preparation to be a parent~
Signing Off